Systemic Constellations

Everything’s connected! Everything belongs!

Do you wonder why, despite your best intentions, clear direction and senior management buy-in, your ideas never quite get implemented and your goals are never quite achieved?

Systemic constellations clear barriers and restore balance so the mission and vision of the organisation can be achieved smoothly and effectively.

Based on the work of Bert Hellinger, constellations reveal hidden dynamics and elements of the ‘system’ that may have previously been denied or forgotten. Bringing to the fore all parts of the system enables a clearer view of barriers and reveals a way forward towards resolution, healing and harmony.

Present-Future uses a systemic lens to bring the dynamics of your organisation, team or situation into the light. This enables the deployment of innovative interventions to restore balance and formulate solutions that support the organisation(s) to shine.

What you get

Hidden dynamics revealed:

  • Denied or forgotten parts of the system brought back to the whole and seen for their impact
  • Dynamic interventions that cause movement in the energy of the field

New insights into issues and their significance for leaders and teams:

  • Revelatory perspectives that shift previously entrenched understanding
  • Recognition of where the obstructions actually lie on an energetic level rather than through a cause and effect or blame culture

A broader understanding of the context and content of barriers to progress:

  • Clarity of insight
  • Understanding of what can and cannot be changed

How it helps

Insight and understanding reveal integrated solutions:

  • Shifted dynamics and perspectives offer more creative ways forward and promote healing
  • Recognition that ‘everything belongs’ allows all elements of the system to be included and valued, and have a part in progress

Obstructions are transformed into opportunities for growth and success:

  • Identification of and attention to the underlying dynamics enables deeper more enduring solutions
  • Creativity is released throughout the system

Clarity enables solutions to be prioritised to achieve the most felicitous outcomes for all:

  • Clearer paths to progress, balance and harmony
  • Solutions addressing all elements and all levels achieve successful outcomes
Experience and specialist areas
Caroline has been training in and facilitating systemic constellations since 2008 and has developed a personal style that is also informed by advanced training in leadership and therapeutic interventions, and by a diploma in integrated energy techniques (EFT, NLP, hypnotherapy).
Caroline believes that everything belongs, everything is connected and everyone needs to be acknowledged in a system for it to function smoothly. She has used her understanding and expertise in constellations to support clients on Restorative Justice programmes, and to mediate successfully in situations of conflict.
Current work includes
Facilitation of staff support and development for a charity delivering therapeutic services to clients.

  • 2015: Centre for Systemic Constellations (CSC): Working with Trauma.
  • 2011: The EFT Centre, London: Diploma in Integrated Energy Techniques.
  • 2008: Centre for the Study of Intimate Social Systems (CSISS): Professional training in Systemic Constellations.


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Working with Caroline is a phenomenal experience. She blends enormous skill with huge amounts of compassion and an ability to hold and work with anything a person wants to bring into the room. I would and do trust her to work lovingly and respectfully with the most challenging, personal and vulnerable aspects of my life and my family system. I was blown away by the whole experience of the constellation workshop, including being a representative on other people's constellations, and the work I did in my own constellation created a profound shift in my psyche that I have only just begun to digest. An unmissable, unforgettable experience. Do it!


Elloa Atkinson 9th October 2018

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I think Caroline was super. Totally professional, competent and confidence inspiring. I thought she handled the whole thing very deftly and I felt I could totally trust in her.

Richard Constellation Participant 25th July 2016

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I felt very safe throughout the day and Caroline was very professional, intuitive and warm. I experienced healing and a sense of closure over an ongoing issue and felt real hope for my future life and even death. The workshop flowed so smoothly and realistically portrayed members of my family for which I am truly grateful. I felt a lot of love from all concerned.


Maggie Peatfield Constellation Workshop participant 24th October 2018

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What I most appreciate about Caroline is her non sentimental and down to earth approach to Family Constellations, instead she offers real, practical help in investigating your heritage and how it operates in your life now.  Caroline does not offer false consolation in words or actions, she offers truth in the belief that truth can free us.

Liz O’Shea Constellation Participant 25th July 2016

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I felt very comfortable with Caroline guiding the process, it all seemed to flow with efficiency, and work organically for everyone.

Simon Smith 9th October 2018

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As a personal issue holder, my experience of Caroline’s systemic constellation facilitation revealed deeply held family beliefs and loyalties that were inhibiting my ability to fulfil my dreams. These insights, given recognition and brought to light then allowed a restoration of balance that cleared my path to greater happiness and fulfilment.

Maggie Constellation Participant 10th November 2015
