Present-Future Consulting helps organisations shine and succeed

Offering strategic and systemic solutions to the most difficult and/or entrenched
problems, as well as educational support to develop competence at all levels.

Present-Future: bringing your business into the future

Leading into abundance

Inspiring leading succeeding

We understand what it takes to inspire and succeed


Strategic analyses foreground organisational competence and opportunities for expansion and growth within a market/industry.

Systemic Constellations

Systemic constellations clear barriers and restore balance so the mission and vision of the organisation can be achieved smoothly and effectively.


Training events and learning facilitation workshops inspire directors, managers, staff and volunteers to perform at the highest level.

Core Values

Honesty • Integrity • Curiosity • Respect • Fairness • Sustainability • Confidentiality



What our clients have to say about us

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I was fortunate enough to have Caroline as my tutor for Topics in the English Language. Aside from the eye-opening, intriguing, and intellectual discussions in class, I also learned a great deal from Caroline outside the classroom, which involved conversations about modern culture and society. She is truly one of the brightest people I have had the chance of knowing, and her stimulating teaching style has challenged me as a student, a thinker, and a writer. I am grateful to have had such an inspiring and caring tutor like Caroline, and it is with my utmost gratitude that I thank her for this academic experience.

Erika Shevchek University of Michigan, USA  28th August 2018

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Caroline is a brilliant intellectual with a razor-sharp sense of humor and an impressive repertoire. Her tutorial was both informative and engaging. She utilized a multi-modal approach to teaching which catered to diverse learning styles. I highly recommend Caroline if you ever have the privilege of working with her.

Minna Wybrecht Oxford Summer School, August 2018 28th August 2018

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My time with you has been a wonderful experience. Thank-you for showing me I can be a creative writer. Thank-you for showing me the potential was always there in me, all I needed was a little push.

Taylor Hubbard, University of Montevallo, USA St Peter’s College, Oxford, Summer School 5th October 2015

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I’ve enjoyed your course so much and I’m definitely thankful that I was able to be a part of it. More importantly, I had fun!

Alexander Miller, University of Michigan, USA St Peter’s College, Oxford, Summer School 5th October 2015

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Caroline's strategic competence is impressive. Her analytical skills alongside her vision makes her a fantastic and creative solution maker. Her capacity to develop and implement ideas is invaluable, her support has helped to put our organisation at the forefront of the substance misuse field.

Cristina Fernandez Head of Recovery Support at RAPt 5th October 2015

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Caroline's course was refreshing, exciting, and wonderfully eye-opening. I found myself looking forward to class every day and actively participating each time. Everything, from her guidance to her genuine love of the material, made the class (and my overall experience of Oxford) one of the best experiences I have ever had. I will greatly miss Caroline and the stimulating intellectual environment she created for us.

Daria Ryabogin, Case Western Reserve University, USA St Peter’s College, Oxford, Summer School 2017 21st August 2017

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Caroline is a one-of-a-kind educator. Combining relevant and relatable conversation to any literature topic we discussed she made class an activity I relished, and always looked forward to. Often times in the American university system, hardly is a personal relationship developed with your professor due to large student to professor ratios, but with Caroline I felt like I was learning from a friend. She left no question(s) unanswered, and based our class time in interesting and lively discussions that went far beyond the traditional lecture of most literature classes. A truly wonderful professor, I am grateful for the privilege of learning under her while at the University of Oxford.

Tristan Ridley, University of Alabama, Virginia, USA, St Peter’s College, Oxford, Summer School 2017 21st August 2017

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My deepest thank-you for the big support and help, and for not giving up on me; it was a first for me having such support and commitment.

University Postgraduate Student 14th April 2016

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As a personal issue holder, my experience of Caroline’s systemic constellation facilitation revealed deeply held family beliefs and loyalties that were inhibiting my ability to fulfil my dreams. These insights, given recognition and brought to light then allowed a restoration of balance that cleared my path to greater happiness and fulfilment.

Maggie Constellation Participant 10th November 2015

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Working with Caroline is a phenomenal experience. She blends enormous skill with huge amounts of compassion and an ability to hold and work with anything a person wants to bring into the room. I would and do trust her to work lovingly and respectfully with the most challenging, personal and vulnerable aspects of my life and my family system. I was blown away by the whole experience of the constellation workshop, including being a representative on other people's constellations, and the work I did in my own constellation created a profound shift in my psyche that I have only just begun to digest. An unmissable, unforgettable experience. Do it!


Elloa Atkinson 9th October 2018

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I think Caroline was super. Totally professional, competent and confidence inspiring. I thought she handled the whole thing very deftly and I felt I could totally trust in her.

Richard Constellation Participant 25th July 2016

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Thank-you for everything you taught us the past 5 weeks. Not only have I learned a great deal of medieval literature, but I’ve also learned to read and write more critically, a skill I needed to learn. I was intimidated on the first day of class, but you were always encouraging of my participation and thoughts. Your course was challenging but I feel I am a better student because of it. Thanks for the experience, the knowledge and the trip to the British Library.

Sabrina Zohoury, University of Michigan, USA St Peter’s College, Oxford, Summer School 5th October 2015

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I felt very comfortable with Caroline guiding the process, it all seemed to flow with efficiency, and work organically for everyone.

Simon Smith 9th October 2018

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Thank-you, Caroline – I have so enjoyed my time here and on your course.

Claude Christiansen, University of Michigan, USA St Peter’s College, Oxford, Summer School 5th October 2015

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I felt very safe throughout the day and Caroline was very professional, intuitive and warm. I experienced healing and a sense of closure over an ongoing issue and felt real hope for my future life and even death. The workshop flowed so smoothly and realistically portrayed members of my family for which I am truly grateful. I felt a lot of love from all concerned.


Maggie Peatfield Constellation Workshop participant 24th October 2018

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I was one of the students who participated in the program hosted by St Peter’s and Magdalen Colleges for students from Salem and Moravian Colleges. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for all that you did in contribution to that program. The program changed my life, and heavily impacted on the way that I think about the business world, and the world in general. I am extremely grateful for your time and energy throughout the process; outside of being enjoyable, your talk on strategic planning was of extreme personal value and has already proven to be useful to me. Again, thank-you so much.

Rachael Nelson 5th October 2015

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What I most appreciate about Caroline is her non sentimental and down to earth approach to Family Constellations, instead she offers real, practical help in investigating your heritage and how it operates in your life now.  Caroline does not offer false consolation in words or actions, she offers truth in the belief that truth can free us.

Liz O’Shea Constellation Participant 25th July 2016
